Category Archives: Week 7


I had another big day, running up 1140km from Daytona Beach to Nashville. The second time I’ve arrived in Nashville, while breaking my personal best distance in a day. I was used to most of the scenery and recognized a few spots here and there. The mountain pass was a little more entertaining this time. We had a good group of tenacious drivers. There was about 15 of us vs infinity semi trucks and trailers. It reminded me of Mario Kart for N64 on rainbow road. No body went off the edge, but the set back was getting stuck in one of the three lanes behind a semi. It seemed to be right out of a movie where everyone is always shifting up for the entire scene. I could only hear engines revving around me as I worked through the traffic. I would pass the same cars, and they would pass me again as I cursed a semi slowing down on the uphill. I was just waiting anxiously for a banana peel to come flying out of someone’s window.

Nashville again was a great time. This time I landed on a Friday night which was a lot more eventful than the Monday on my previous visit. Again I hardly had any sleep but was back on the road at a decent hour towards, originally, Kansas City Missouri. Half way there a friend I met in the Nash told me I may as well check out Chicago since I was at least closer than I’ve ever been. I changed my route and headed straight north towards one of the greatest cities in the USA.

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As I come north the parries really call out. Little black flies and no-see-ems everywhere. Stuck in my helmet/headwear, gloves, jacket etc. My allergies kick in again the further north I get. The landscape is quite pretty though. Lots of corn fields and lush wetlands. A few wind turbines here and there as well which is nice to see. They are just small compared to the mills from the large wind farms throughout the states. They stand at about 60′ to the top of the pole.

Now that I’ve been getting some real distances in, I don’t feel like a 500km will do it anymore for me. I’m thinking my next destinations will be through the Dakotas, Nebraska, Colorado, and Utah. Crossing back into Canada through Montana. I may stay a day or so in Denver as I hear it’s a cool place to check out. I’m really glad I took my time on the way down to use the back roads and really experience some cool riding. Also meeting the real people of America. I find people in large cities are mostly from other places. But the guy selling fruit on the side of a back road has been there is whole life. That gives me a much better picture of where I really am.

I haven’s been the best at keeping up on my categories. But it is week seven since I left home on April 22nd. Week eight begins on Monday.